Tag: discussions

  • Mental Anguish – King Leo

    King Leo otherwise known as Lee the O.G. the O.D, just approaching 9 years of age, contracted diabetes 4 years ago, controlled by insulin shots for the last 4 years, well the King seems to have decided to go off like Lion Kings do. 9 days ago he went off as usual on his daily…

  • Jeremy Gluck & Emily Griffiths – Slide

    Drawing once again on the loops of the thriving Tapegerm Loop Community, this recording marks my return to purely solo work after a long time resting on the great remixes made of my pieces by many artists. Taking an old poem evoking a mystical experience following a fast, I invited Welsh voice Emily Griffiths to…

  • Stephen George Smith – German Laughter

    I had been reading a book about Germany, and their role in world war two, and, being of German heritage, I felt a lot of guilt. I recorded this piece, mixed it, and, days later, listened to it, and heard a stark, German soundscape , I thought, jeez! this is friggin’ harsh, stark, menacing! all…